Category: unhires

Germany / hci / ires / nsf / ubicomp / unhires

Augmenting Reality at PerDis 2018

—–As originally posted on Medium —– I have never worked on augmented reality programs. I have experimented with VR a few times, but I have never developed applications for it. However, thanks to the IRES program, I will be conducting research in Ludwig-Maximilians University’s HCI lab all summer, using the Microsoft Hololens as my main device.[…]

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ires / unhires

Displays everywhere: PerDis 2018

As part of the IRES summer program in Munich, I attended part of PerDis, a conference on pervasive displays. On the first day of PerDis, I went to the tutorial on Public Displays where we discussed examples of pervasive displays, their implications on our daily lives, and some design challenges associated with the displays.   My previous[…]

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driving / Germany / hci / ires / nsf / travel / ubicomp / unhires

IRES 2018: Researching Pedestrian Interactions with Autonomous Vehicles in Oldenburg, Germany

Hallo! I’m starting my fourth week in Oldenburg. Last week, I really enjoyed going deeper into my project, which involves finding out whether gesture-based interactions between pedestrians and autonomous vehicles makes pedestrians feel safer and more in-control in jaywalking situations. Most research on interactions between pedestrians and autonomous vehicles gives the vehicles all of the[…]

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Germany / ires / nsf / stuttgart / unhires

Wrapping Up in Stuttgart

My summer in Germany has now come to an end and I’m back in Boston ready for my final year of my master’s! I’ve enjoyed my time in Europe and have truly learned a ton. As a recap of my research project, we sought to analyze programming language proficiency based on eye movements. In the[…]

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