announcement / hci / talk

Announcement: Lars Lischke talk on May 5, 2016

Large Display Interaction
Lars Lischke

Thursday, May 5, 2016, 11 AM
Location: Kingsbury N129


Abstract. Marc Weiser’s vision “Computing for the 21st century” introduces three classes of devices to interact with digital content: “tabs,” “pads” and “boards.” “Tabs” and “pads” have already become commonplace with smartphones and tablet computers. In contrast, digital “boards” are still rarely used. However, there is a good chance that wall-sized display-“boards” will become commonplace within the next decade. Today, wall-sized displays are mainly used to visualize large and complex data. This is in particular beneficial, because humans are able to scan large areas quickly for objects and visual cues.

In the future, wall-sized displays will not only be used in the context of professional visualizations and public displays, they will also become commonplace in office and home environments. The success of wall-sized display installations is highly dependent on the well-designed input techniques and appropriate UI-Design guidelines. In this talk I will present latest research focusing on wall-sized display interaction. This will include eye-gaze based interaction and mid-air gestures. Furthermore, multi device interaction in combination with wall-sized displays is enabling novel concepts for single and collaborative work.

Besides appropriate input techniques new graphical user interfaces are needed for successful wall-sized display systems. Due to this, I will discuss how interfaces for wall-sized displays could look like.

Bio. Lars Lischke is a third year PhD Student at the HCILab at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. He studied computer science (Diploma, MSc equivalent) at the University of Stuttgart and Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. His research interests are in the field of human computer interaction with a focus on interacting with large high-resolution displays in office environments and for data exploration.