So this is Part 2 of my post on my experience of German culture, or at least southwestern German culture. In the previous post I talked about German-English language barriers, attitudes toward smoking and beer, graffiti, and cars/racing. As some may be aware (but perhaps not in the United States…), the World Cup was held[…]
Category: unhires
Cultural Experiences in Germany, Part 1 (language, graffiti, beer & cars)
During my 2-month stay in Germany so far, I’ve noticed many cultural and behavioral differences between people in the southeastern United States (where I’m from) and the southwestern region of Germany (where I’m currently living). I’ve even started getting used to some of them too, even though it’s a little late because I’ll be back in[…]
hci / travel / unhires / visit
Ludwig-Maximilian University Institute for Computer Science, Munich (7/21/2014)
As I mentioned in a previous post, the IRES students (including myself) were lucky enough to visit two HCI research labs in the same day during our trip to Munich. This current post will chronicle my experience of the LMU IFI as we were hosted and guided by Dr. Florian Alt. Most of the work we[…]
hci / hcilab / nsf / stuttgart / travel / unh / unhires
Getting started: An Introduction to IRES
I’ll be using this first blog post as a sort of introduction. Throughout the next couple of weeks i’ll be writing about my experiences and thoughts throughout the UNH IRES program that I’ve been participating in this summer. For starters UNH IRES is an “International Research Experience for Students” organized by the University of New[…]
hci / travel / unhires / visit
BMW Group R&D, Munich (7/21/2014)
Last week, we went on a day-trip to Munich to visit some of the Stuttgart HCI Lab’s colleagues and collaborators. We first visited the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, but I will describe that visit in a different post. During the second half of the day, we went to the center for BMW Group’s Research and[…]