Is your office messy with papers/documents all over the place? Couldn’t find the right documents you are looking for? How easy would that be, if you could spread all your documents on the floor and work with them? I believe you don’t have to wait too long to see this technology in your office and home.
The researchers in HCI lab at Hasso-Plattner Institute are working on a project called ‘GravitySpace’ – an interactive high-resolution pressure-sensitive floor. The thick glass floor get projection from the floor below and can detects people and objects on the floor above. The floor can be used simultaneously by multiple users. The floor also allows multiple users to engage in a same task, for instance: playing a game. Check out the YouTube video here. This could be the solution for future office/home.
My friends (Michael, Micah, Drea) and I visited this lab located just outside of Berlin at Potsdam, Germany, in June 30th, 2014. Thank you, Dr. Dominik Schmidt, for showing us your exciting projects. It was very nice to talk with a group of PhD students and researchers.