I’ll be using this first blog post as a sort of introduction. Throughout the next couple of weeks i’ll be writing about my experiences and thoughts throughout the UNH IRES program that I’ve been participating in this summer.
For starters UNH IRES is an “International Research Experience for Students” organized by the University of New Hampshire. It is part of a four year program where students spend their summer working in Germany at the HCI lab at the University of Stuttgart.
Now for a little information about myself. My name is Micah Lucas. I just got my BS in Electrical Engineering and am starting my MS in Electrical Engineering this fall at the University of New Hampshire.
Over the last several weeks, myself and the other three students chosen this year for the UNH IRES program have been working on our own group research project with the HCI lab. Additionally almost every weekend has been spent traveling to different places throughout Europe. My blog post will mostly be focusing on these things. I look forward to sharing these experiences.