Category: ires

Germany / hci / ires / nsf

Introducing the 2019 IRES team

We are pleased to introduce the six students who will participate in the 2018 HCI in Ubicomp IRES program. The program is a collaborative effort between Andrew Kun of UNH and Orit Shaer of Wellesley College, and it is funded by the National Science Foundation, Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE). We are grateful for the support. As[…]

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driving / Germany / hci / ires / nsf

IRES 2018: WeimAR/VR Summer School

Last week I had the amazing opportunity to participate in the summer school for NSF IRES students at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany. I recognized the name Weimar from my european history education, but I had never known about the rich tradition of Bauhaus architecture and design that was born there. The Bauhaus school[…]

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Germany / hci / ires / nsf / ubicomp / unhires

Augmenting Reality at PerDis 2018

—–As originally posted on Medium —– I have never worked on augmented reality programs. I have experimented with VR a few times, but I have never developed applications for it. However, thanks to the IRES program, I will be conducting research in Ludwig-Maximilians University’s HCI lab all summer, using the Microsoft Hololens as my main device.[…]

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ires / unhires

Displays everywhere: PerDis 2018

As part of the IRES summer program in Munich, I attended part of PerDis, a conference on pervasive displays. On the first day of PerDis, I went to the tutorial on Public Displays where we discussed examples of pervasive displays, their implications on our daily lives, and some design challenges associated with the displays.   My previous[…]

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