Less than a year ago, I took my first course in Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) in which I began my involvement with Human Computer Interfacing (HCI). Thanks to the 2018 International Research Experience for Students (IRES), I got the chance to dive deeper into the world of HCI.
The first week I spent getting familiarized with my project, Think in Bubbles — Candid Interaction Designs for Socially Acceptable Smart Glasses. The reason for this project is that smart glasses often lack social acceptability, mostly due to their camera. They do not communicate their intention of use to bystanders. So, the aim of the project is to do exactly just that, inform bystanders about usage intentions. The approach for this project is going to be using a vaporizer with water and glycerin mixed to create a fog screen thick enough to be projected onto with a projector. The challenge is having a thick/consistent enough fog for the projector to be displayed on.
The second week was spent testing and designing components in the hopes of getting a functioning model. With a small motor constantly blowing air through the base of the vaporizer, I can easily create a constant fog when both the vaporizer and motor are powered. There are some complications because the substance that is used in the vaporizer does not last very long (5 mins max) depending on the amount of power used and at times, the substance would leak into the motor (reason still to be determined) blocking air from traveling to the vaporizer and potentially damaging the motor.
The third week was spent preparing for a focus group. This gave me a chance to speak with colleagues and get their opinion as well as generate ideas how to/what areas to focus on with the project. Since the goal of the project is to display user intent, putting others in those scenarios and asking them what they would feel comfortable sharing in a public environment seemed like the best method of approach.
As much as I love the time spent working on my project, it is not all I have been doing here. Each weekend has also been filled with excitement. All of the OFFIS members know a lot about this area and surrounding cities. They are constantly giving us (myself, Bella & Stepheny) more ideas about what we should try out. We rented bikes and have been able to travel great distances on them such as biking 6 miles to a lake to play volleyball and relax by the water with friends. We explored Bremen during one of their biggest events, La Strada, an international festival and got to enjoy the food, music and architecture. Before we knew it, we had easily walked 10+ miles. This weekend, we are off to Paris with Diana, another IRES students currently in Munich and we are ecstatic to see what is in store for us.